Cleaning a Garage with Wet & Forget Products

As the spring temperatures roll in, your garage will become a busy place with lawn mowing, yard work, and home repairs. All this activity will leave your garage dirty and in need of cleaning. Don’t let cleaning a garage become laborious and exhausting! Our guide will provide easy-to-follow steps for effortlessly cleaning garage surfaces. Moreover, […]
Read MoreWet and Forget Headstone Cleaner: Sheila & Her Family Cleans 500+ Headstones

We tend to think of Memorial Day as a time for grilling, relaxing outside, and preparing for summer. However, we must never forget the true meaning of the day: honoring those who’ve given their life while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Wet & Forget is humbled to be a part of this yearly […]
Read MoreHop Into Spring Cleaning with Wet & Forget

Spring is almost here! While that’s enough to sprout a smile on anyone’s face, lurking beneath the sunny skies and warmer temperatures is that dreaded seasonal ritual: spring cleaning. Fortunately, all you need to sweep this to-do off your list is Wet & Forget. From the deepest nook and cranny of your bathroom to the […]
Read MoreClean Your Tile Roof with Wet & Forget

When it comes to curb appeal, nothing quite beats the allure of a tile roof. However, lurking within the depths of your tour clay, terracotta, slate, and composite tiles are mold spores, algae, and other stain-causing biological material. Unfortunately, getting someone to clean your tile roof invites all sorts of risks. Not only are there […]
Read MoreHow to Clean a Bathroom in Less than 5 Minutes

Normally, the trouble with cleaning your bathroom is how long it takes. It feels like it can take hours to engage in that back-bending, elbow-burning work. Instead of swimming in a sea of solvents to grapple with grime, you can tackle the task of cleaning your bathroom in a matter of minutes. How? With Wet […]
Read MoreClean Out Your Shower, Not Your Wallet, With Wet & Forget

Cleaning your shower is a chore, and that’s before you add up how much you’ve spent on ineffective daily shower cleaners and their irritating fumes. Enter our Wet & Forget Shower cleaner. Our weekly shower spray doesn’t just keep soap scum and shower grime at bay, but it also brings more bang for your buck. […]
Read MoreKnock Out Your Thanksgiving Cleaning Checklist with Wet & Forget

Preparing your home for Thanksgiving guests can be a grueling endeavor. In fact, it can feel like your Thanksgiving cleaning checklist continues growing even as you cross more items off your list. Instead of spending countless hours cleaning, scrubbing, and sanitizing every surface in your house, tackle the job in mere minutes with the help […]
Read MoreWhat To Do When Natural Spider Control Doesn’t Work Anymore

Cats may have nine lives, but spiders have eight legs. So, without an effective spider control solution, you’ll have to deal with these creepy crawlies continually making their way into your home. Now, you may think you can solve the problem with natural solutions. However, essential oils and other natural spider pest control suggestions often […]
Read MoreMaureen Removes Green Stains with Wet & Forget

Before discovering Wet & Forget, Maureen M. of Selkirk, ON had to clean her siding practically every week. After countless hours of scrubbing, the outcome was subpar. She wanted to try a new cleaning method for green stains but was hesitant that the cleaners would damage the surface. Prior to using Wet & Forget, nearly […]
Read MoreThe Difference Between Mold and Mildew + How to Get Rid of It

The words “mold” and “mildew” are often viewed together. And although they both show up on household surfaces, it can be hard to tell the difference between the two. Here, we’ll learn the difference between mold and mildew, and how to prevent ugly indoor and remove outdoor growth with Wet & Forget. What’s the difference […]
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