Life's Dirty. Clean Easy.

New Year’s Cleaning Resolutions: Smarter, Not Harder

By Wet & Forget
Celebrate new years with our favorite cleaning resolutions.

‘Tis the season for New Year’s resolutions! And if you want a clean home inside and out, the answer isn’t to work harder but to work smarter. So, if you want to save, money, and your lower back muscles, check out these New Year’s cleaning resolutions.

Swap Out Your Daily Shower Cleaning Routine for a Weekly One

There are only a rare few of us who find enjoyment in cleaning our showers. For the rest of us, the day-after-day routine of daily shower cleaners can feel like a monotonous slog. The eventual slip-up of forgetting or forgoing this everyday task can quickly extend to something lengthier until you’re left with the inevitable mark of soap scum or mildew stains.

Even the task of reminding yourself to use a daily shower cleaner can feel like a chore. Whether your method is analog paper notes or digital push notifications, a calendar filled with cleaning leaves no space for living your life.

A stain-free shower head in a tiled shower.

The right New Year’s cleaning resolution isn’t to double down on your daily duties. It’s to relax and transform your shower cleaning routine into a weekly one.

Wet & Forget Shower, our weekly shower cleaning spray, can help take your New Year to the next level. With a weekly application, it’s easy to use, takes little time to apply, and keeps your shower free of stains caused by pesky foes like soap scum, mold, and mildew.

Wet & Forget Shower is non-abrasive and contains no bleach, ammonia, or irritating fumes. That means it’s safe to use on virtually any surface in your bathroom (except for natural marble):

  • Manufactured surfaces, including acrylic, cultured marble, and fiberglass.
  • Metal surfaces, including brass, bronze, chrome, and stainless steel.
  • Porcelain.
  • Stone surfaces, including granite, slate, and stone.
  • Tile and glass surfaces.
  • Vinyl.

Beyond the time savings due to switching from daily to weekly shower applications, Wet & Forget Shower also saves you money. Our 64-ounce economy bottle gives you 12 weeks of cleaning in a single container.

You’d have to purchase eight 32-ounce bottles of daily shower cleaner to match. From a financial standpoint, cleaning your shower with Wet & Forget Shower will cost you about 35% less than using daily shower sprays.

That’s fewer trips to the store, far less time cleaning, and more money in your pockets. When it comes down to New Year’s cleaning resolutions, that’s a great way to hit your goal of cleaning smarter, not harder.

Say “No!” to Scrubbing Indoors and Outside

Scrubbing is hard work. It’s repetitive at best and pain-inducing at worst. At the end of the day, you may find that while your muscles are sore, your surfaces remain stained. It’s not a task for the weary, and what does scrubbing do but make weary examples of us all?

So, before the clock strikes midnight, don’t vow to shed pounds or pick up a second language. Instead, say goodbye to scrubbing your home inside and out with the help of Wet & Forget!

A well-stocked kitchen with plenty of surfaces.

Let’s tackle the indoors first. We mentioned Wet & Forget Shower above, but what we didn’t touch on was its scrub-free formula. Applying it is simple and straightforward. After your last shower of the day, spray all shower surfaces. Before the first shower the next day, rinse those surfaces with water. Repeat weekly.

There’s no need to flex your forearms with sponges, scrubbers, or squeegees. Instead, let the spray do all the work for you, and a quick rinse the next day keeps surfaces slip-free and stable.

Wet & Forget Indoor, our all-in-one disinfectant cleaner, works similarly. It disinfects, sanitizes, and deodorizes all without the need for muscle-straining scrubbing. In many applications, all you need to do is spray and walk away. If you prefer, you can also wipe surfaces dry after letting the product get to work. (Surfaces should remain visibly wet for up to 10 minutes to unleash its full disinfecting and sanitizing power.)

Moving outside, our Wet & Forget Outdoor product line is another example of our scrub-free philosophy. Whether you’re treating your roof, spraying your siding, or de-grunging your deck, your work is done once you’ve finished applying Wet & Forget Outdoor. At that point, the spray gets to work, combining with wind and rain to gently lift stains over time.

So, with 2025 here, now’s the time to drop everyone’s least favorite habit: scrubbing.

Spray Your Roof With Your Feet on the Ground

Ladders are dangerous. Every year in the United States, they cause more than 164,000 trips to the emergency room. Per that same link, this isn’t trending downward, as the number of people who have died from ladder falls has tripled over the past decade.

So, if your goal is to live your best life in 2025, then you should aim to keep your feet planted firmly on the ground, even if you’re cleaning your roof.

A roof free of stains caused by organic growth.

To aid in the dual goal of staying alive and keeping your roof free of organic stains, we recommend deploying Wet & Forget Xtreme Reach™ Hose End. The bottle connects to your home’s house to offer up to 2,000 square feet of coverage, perfect for many homes.

Where this roof cleaner shines, though, is with its reach. You’ll be able to reach distances of up to 30 feet, ideal for cleaning roofs and second-story siding without needing a ladder.

The roof cleaning formula is non-acidic and contains no bleach or phosphates. This soft formula is safe on virtually any outdoor surface, including roofs, siding, gutters, decks, and patios.

You’ll be able to treat your entire roof in minutes without needing to rinse, scrub, or power wash. (Of course, we should also remind you of the dangers of power washing, too.) Simply apply the spray to outdoor surfaces, and then let it get to work with wind and rain to lift stains. In many cases, and depending on your climate and weather, a single application can help keep your roof free of organic stains for up to a year or more.

That means you’ll spend less time spraying your roof and more time spent with your feet on the ground, as gravity has always intended.

Save Time and Money Wet & Forget’s New Year’s Cleaning Resolutions

The key to this and every new year is to work smarter, not harder. With Wet & Forget cleaning products at your side, you can accomplish a cleaner, fresher home indoors and out while putting in less time cleaning than ever before. So, when the clock strikes midnight, make sure you’re ready by picking up a couple of bottles of Wet & Forget online or at your local retailer.